Summer is officially here, and that means it’s time to get outside and enjoy the season with your pet. However, pets are vulnerable to heat in the same ways that humans are — and a few others that are unique to them.

Here are a few tips for keeping your pet cool while you enjoy all that summer has to offer.

Keep an Eye on Temperature

Dogs are vulnerable to heat stroke, just like humans are. According to the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, a dog’s temperature should never go above 104 degrees. 

Animals are not able to cool themselves in the same way that we can, so they are much more prone to overheating, especially in hot, humid weather. 

Signs of heatstroke include heavy panting, excessive thirst, an elevated heartbeat, excess salivation, and glazed eyes.

Check your dog’s temperature regularly and consider purchasing cooling pads or vests if needed. You can also purchase doggie ice cream or make your own frozen treats to help with cooling from the inside out.

Adjust Exercise Schedules

A change in temperature does not mean that your pet should get any less exercise than it does during other times of the year. 

Take advantage of cooler temperatures and lower humidity in the morning and evening hours for walks and other types of exercise. The days are long at this time of year, so you’ll likely have daylight no matter when you head out.

If you’re not able to walk your dog during the cooler parts of the day, consider a walking service like For Your Spot. We can make sure your pet safely receives the exercise it needs during the day.

Skip the Road Trip

We can all conjure images of dogs hanging out of a car window enjoying a ride on a nice summer day. While those experiences might be fun in the moment, the situation can quickly turn dangerous once the car stops.

Never leave your pet in the car during the summer months, no matter how short you think your trip might be. Temperatures in a parked car can reach climb to over 100 degrees in just a few minutes — even with the windows cracked. 

A five-minute run into a store can quickly turn into 15 or 20 if you see someone you know or run into trouble getting what you need. Leave your pet at home when you go out to run errands or any trip where you’ll be away from the car.

The Humane Society also offers tips for what to do if you see a pet trapped in a hot car.

Make the Most of Summer

With just a few small changes, you and your pet can make the most out of summer while staying safe and cool. Contact us if you are interested in setting up a regular walking schedule or want to talk about any other ways our team can help you and your pet this summer